Selecting Your New Reptile

Some basic pointers for reptile owners for selecting your new reptile

  • Buy from a reputable source, such as a well-established breeder or a reptile specialty shop. Avoid pet stores if possible.
  • Only buy reptiles that were born in captivity.
  • Do not buy hatchlings or very small babies. They are very delicate and can be difficult to care for.
  • Choose a reptile that is active and alert. If possible, watch the animal as it is fed. If that is not possible, ask to see its records to determine when it was fed and whether it is eating. Do not buy from that source if such records are missing or you are not allowed to observe the reptile being fed.
  • Make sure the reptile has been housed properly and fed the proper diet. A bad start in life can cause health problems later on. Reptiles can live for long periods under less than ideal conditions. Even if the reptile is rehabilitated, however, renal failure, bone or other growth deformities, or other ailments may arise later in life.